Ayurveda for Senior Citizens

Ayurveda for Senior Citizens– In this ongoing Kali Yuga, the average age of the individual is between 70-85 years.
Ayurveda has listed this into three stages in respect to the predominance of Dosha, the status of metabolism and status of organs and channels.
The elderly age starts from 60 years.
Getting aged or senescence is normal phenomena, and it should not be considered as disease or time clock be put on aging.
Table of Contents
Aim of Ayurveda for Senior Citizens
Ayurveda believes that every individual should go into this phase of life healthy without having any stress of ageing.
Every person gets aged at different rate, yes ofcourse as there are lots of differences in every individuals body type.
Some may have slower ageing as compared to others. This does not mean that who are seeing ageing fast should take stress or tension.
That’s why I’m addressing this topic Ayurveda for Senior Citizens who think they are getting aged faster.
It is the human tendency or say the play of mind, it diverts our mind towards the negative most of the time.
As we all want to live longer with that bright tight glowing skin, yes I know everybody wants this.
But our core focus should always be on healthy living rather than living longer.
Healthy living means one is able to all his day to day activities without any problem.
The main aim of ayurveda for senior citizens is to increase the immune power of body and helping in maintaining the balance of the doshas in old-age.
There are some ayurvedic medicine which can cure old age weakness. We will get on this topic in details in next post.
Without falling sick while ageing and living a wonderful life even in your 60s is the main aim of Ayurveda.

Successful aging should have four aspects –
1. Maintaining physical function
2. Maintaining good mental functions
3. Avoid diseases
4. Enjoyment of life.
Must read: Yoga For Immune System
Physiology –
At this age of life i.e 60 & above it is seen that vata dosha gradually starts increasing as the anabolism is less and catabolism is more.
The functioning capacity of all the organs and muscles starts decreasing compared to when you were in your 20s or 30s.
The immune system also gets weak as you grow older in age.
Skin wrinkles and muscle loss are also the major signs of old age. As fatty tissues starts replacing muscle tissue during old age, power loss also occurs.
This may result in premature ageing.
Also read: Effective Yoga Poses for sleep
Physical changes –
As the age advances all tissues from rasa to Shukra loose certain qualities, hence various signs and symptoms appear-
- Rasa Dhatu: As this nutritional fluid starts losing it quality certain things happens to the body such as wrinkles on the skin, becoming lethargic, hair loss and whitening of hairs. Baldness may also occur.
2. Rakta dhatu:
Rigidity of the arteries will increase resulting in hypertension. This also increases the chances of thrombosis.
Decline in heart rate can also be seen, which can cause heart diseases in this age.
3. Mamsa dhatu–
Loss of muscle tone. Muscle tissues starts becoming weaker and loose.
This thing leads to physical inactivity
4. Meda dhatu–
Some of the changes such as fat loss in some parts and fat gain in other body parts can occur.
Getting prone to diabetes or obesity increases
5. Asthi dhatu–
Reduction in density of bones leads to osteoporosis. In this case symptons like back-ache, spondilytis can be seen.
Chances of fracture in bones increases.
6. Majja dhatu –
Loss of neurons in brain causing mental problems such as memory loss (amnesia).
Other functions of the brain also gets hampered and sense organs functionality starts declining gradually.
Weaker eyesight, glaucoma and deafness are another symptons.
7. Shukra dhatu-
Reproductry organs loses their capacity to function leading to impotence in body.
8. Pranavaha srotas-
Lung capacity gets decreased drastically.
9. Annavaha srotas-
Problems related to digestive system increases, which may turn into stomach cancer.
10. Mutravaha srotas-
Infection in the urinary bladder may take place. Size of prostate increases.
11. Purishavaha srotas–
Constipation occurs in body.
Psychological changes –
The person starts feeling that he is of no use to the family and society as he is becoming old.
Such phenomena can be seen mostly after the person gets retired.
He thinks he is not suitable for any kind of work, such things leads to depression.
Things such as lack of sleep, hypertension, overthinking starts happening more frequently ultimately leading to anxiety and irritability.
Another major problem is with youngsters in the family, most of aged people finds it difficult to adjust with young members of the family which sometimes causes frustation in them.
Read: Yoga for stress relief
Aging Gracefully and Healthy –
Daily abhyanga –
Sesame oil is very beneficial in getting rid of vata dosha. Massaging the whole body with sesame oil can be very effective.
Bath with warm water after the massage.
Regular exercise and Yoga –
Yoga, normal bending exercises and walking in nature are the most effective remedies for most of the psychological problems that occur in old age.
Walking in nature gives the sense of relaxation when combined with meditation becomes the ultimate remedy for mind, body & soul.
Read: How to do meditation?
Meditation – Daily practice of meditation helps the mind to remain calm and quiet and helps to get good sound sleep.
If you have read ayurveda for senior citizens till now lets see some more aspects related to it.
Mantra –
Mantra chanting or listening to the divine sounds as per your religion– gives is a deep sense of calmness in body. It increases the quality of mind removing the negativity from it.
Constitution –
Vata – Abhyanga with sesame oil, bala root powder in dose of 1 gm. daily
Pitta – Ghee, Shatavari root powder in dose of 1 gm. Daily
Kapha- Old honey, ashwagandha root powder 500 mg. daily.
Rejuvenation for specific tissues –
Rasa- shatavari,
Rakta – iron, amalaki – Emblica officinalis
Mamsa –bala – Sida cordifolia, ashwagandha –Withania somnifera
Meda – shilajatu, guggulu –Commiphora mukul
Asthi – laksha, vanshalochana,
Majja – shankhapushpi –Convolvulus pluricans, brahmi –Bacopa moniera
Shukra – Kapikacchu –Mucuna prureiens.
For psychological problems – Medhya rasayana are extremely useful to increase the intelligence and keeping memory intact. These should be used according to constitution as follows-
Vata and Kapha – Shankhapushpi, yashtimadhu.
Pitta – Brahmi, Mandukaparni, Jatamansi
Ayurveda for senior citizens is the most effective remedy to get rid of many problems in the old age.