Artificial Intelligence|Bane or Boon

Artificial Intelligence|Bane or Boon-The question is will Artificial Intelligence take over the world in the 21st century?. As of now, no-one can give the straight forward answer

Long ago they said, that we the Humans are controlling the planet not because we are faster than any other creature or stronger, bigger in size than any of the other animals on the planet, Our human mind, our intelligence, our smartness is the only reason for our control on this very planet. What if we are no more the most intelligent or smart, chances are there that someone smarter than us will take our place?. Will the Terminator series like
Any type of intelligence is good.If a table on which you sit turned out be intelligent is it not a wonderful thing to have?.Only problem with human beings is that if there is anything smarter than themselves out there , they get little insecure. Else having intelligent things around us is a great thing just like peoples like hanging around with intelligent peoples.
Table of Contents
Will Artificial Intelligence take away our Jobs?
It varies from industry to industry. As when first computers came everyone was fearful of losing jobs, increasing unemployment,etc. But in reality it created more jobs oppurtunities than taking away jobs from the peoples. Humans are always fearful of getting introduced to something new which is more intelligent, smart, efficient than them.
Yes, Artificial Intelligence will take about 1 million jobs from the manufacturing sector, according to one survey. But in the long run, it is also found that it will create about 2 million new jobs in various sector, which will be skill-oriented. As many skilled will be needed to learn up which will be necessary to code the information in the AI systems.
In many places, AI may actually work as a boon. for example in tackling the dangerous jobs which use toxic chemicals, intense heat, high noise. These works can be done by implementing robots. By the use of big data and the information AI may come with the solutions for the big problems of Water Crisis, Global warming, Climate change. who knows.
The recent researches say, that we can artificially create our thoughts and emotions. As they have tested that can humans have a relationship with computers, And as a surprise, it worked wonderful, as many peoples didn’t know that they were actually chatting with computers.
Technology has reached at that level where the computer can think million times than a human being. As AI evolves there are many things that can be done by it better than Humans. And mark my words this evolution is very near, when human thoughts will be of no value.

Is Artificial Intelligence a Bane For Society?
Artificial intelligence is a tool a technology created by humans for their ease of doing work. So it totally depends on Humans how they make use of this wonderful technology. It depends on our use whether it will bring prosperity or disaster. When first nuclear energy was discovered everyone was fearful of its destructive nature, but with time we learned to use in many ways which are beneficial to us. AI is a technology which should be used responsibly. We can have the systems which are intelligent than
What will humans do when their work is done by machines?
Humans have one thing that no machine, AI can have and that is Consciousness. The thoughts, emotions we have can be hijacked by AI, But our consciousness it has nothing to do with it. Humans are supposed to do that no machine can ever do and that work is being joyful, blissful by his nature. Meditation will be the way for this.
Artificial Intelligence|Bane or Boon the future will decide, the decisions of humans will decide…..
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