124 Daily Affirmations That Actually Works!

124 Daily Affirmations That Actually Works: Hi there I want to explain why you need a daily affirmation practice in order to open yourself up to receive all the things you want to deserve and ultimately live a happier and more fulfilling life.
You need to let go of any and all negative thoughts and images and bombard your subconscious mind with new thoughts and images that are positive and stated in the present tense and the technique you use to do this is called Affirmations.
It is simply a statement that describes a goal in its already completed state.
There is now new academic research that shows in high stress level environments those who do daily positive affirmations have lower stress levels and more success than those who don’t.
Repeating affirmations daily helps to reprogram the unconscious mind for success.
It helps eliminate negative and limiting beliefs and transforms your comfort zone from a limiting one, keeping you trapped in mediocrity to a more expanding one.
(Before going further must check these 🙂 Overnight mind Hacks used by the Rich )
Where anything is possible it also helps you replace your I cants with I cans and your fears and doubts with confidence and certainty.

Affirmations are daily reminders to your unconscious mind to stay focused on your goals and to come up with solutions to challenges and obstacles that might get in the way.
Affirmations also can create a higher vibration of happiness joy appreciation and gratitude that then through the Law of attraction magnetized people, resources and opportunities to come to you to help you achieve your goals.
How to Make Daily Affirmations?
“I am” these are the two most powerful words in the English language
Always use the present tense
Affirm what you want not what you don’t want
Keep it brief.
Make it specific ex.if you want a new house go in it’s full detail like the colour of your house, how your kitchen will be etc etc.
Use at least one dynamic emotion word as the emotions and feelings are very powerful.
Make affirmations for yourself not for other.
Keep these daily affirmation strategies in mind I want you dedicate about just 10-15 minutes a day for Affirmations.
Here is the list of Daily Affirmations you can try.
#1. I am a creator of success.
#2. I am successful.
#3. I am a magnet for love and health.
#4. Success is all attracted to me .
#5. I have unstoppable confidence within me.
#6. I am motivated .
#7. I’m a magnet for .
#8. I am love.
#9. I am health.
#10. I have unstoppable confidence within me life just feels great all the time there is always a way when I am committed.
#11. I am so excited because all of my dreams come true.
#12. Great things always seem to come my way.
#13. I’m naturally a happy person.
#14. I am naturally a confident person.
#15. I am naturally powerful.
#16. I am naturally beautiful.
#17. Opportunities just seem to fall right onto my lap.
#18. I’m full of energy and life.
#19. I am a good person who deserves success and happiness.
#20. I love myself for Who I am.,
#21. Everything always works out for me.

#22. I am highly motivated and super productive.
#23. It doesn’t matter what others think of me for I know who I am
#24. I am a center for positivity for love for joy for peace .
#25. I’m incredibly grateful for all of my success .
#26. I use positive thinking and the law of attraction to manifest anything I want in life.
#27. I choose to think positive and I create a wonderful life for myself .
#28. I find it easy to succeed.
#29. Everything I do people look at me and wonder how is it that I so naturally attract success into my life.
#30. I think big.
#31. I act fearless .
#32. The universe always provides for me.
#33.I’m so happy and grateful for my life.
#34. Things have a way of working themselves out.
#35. I have such an amazing life.
#36. I am so lucky life seems to always work in my favor.
#37. I love Who I am.
#38. I love my life my goals.
#39. Dreams always seem to come true.
#40. I’m passionate about constantly being better and more successful.
#41. Success seems to always come in abundance.
#42. Somehow the universe just always seems to be there helping me achieve all of my goals.
##43. All of my dreams are materializing right before my very eyes, the wealth of the universe is circulating in my life and flowing to me.

#44. In avalanches of prosperity, money wants me and money is always coming my way .
#45. I am very motivated.
#46. I’m driven I am ambitious
#47. I can easily pick myself up and lift my spirits
#48. whenever I need I find it easy to be optimistic
#49. I only permit positive thoughts to remain in my mind and positive things to happen in my life
#50. wealth is all around me and I’m surrounded by abundance
#51. when I go after whatever I want in life everything seems to just come to me effortlessly
#52. my mind is a magnet for all good things
#53. I am a magnet for good things
#54. I have success in all areas of my life
#55. I’m grateful that I’m so healthy happy and successful
#56. success naturally comes to me
#57. everything I do always results in great success
#58. I can never fail
#59. everything that happens contributes to me being better makes me stronger and allows me to learn and become even greater than I was before
#60. the seeds of my greatness is within my mind
#61. I am loved I am health and I am wealth
#62. my affirmations for success always brings me results.
#63. others are inspired by my success
#64. I am incredibly successful.
#65. I am decisive
#66. I am confident
#67. I am an action taker that’s why it’s so easy to achieve all of my goals
#68. the universe is friendly and helps me to achieve my dreams right now
#69. I am exactly what and where I want to be
#70. others are attracted to me because I am always successful
#71. I continuously enhance all areas of my life
#72. life just keeps getting better and better
#73. Every day I move closer and closer to my next goals and to my biggest dreams and desires
#74. I am resilient
#75. I am persistent and I’m extremely dedicated
#76. I have the will and desire to reach unlimited heights of success
#77. I can and I will achieve whatever I set my mind to
#78. I deserve success
#79. the universe showers me with rewards, with wealth or success.
#80. all of this has become normal to me yet I’m forever grateful the universe is always on my side
#81. I am happy
#82. I’m healthy and I am wealthy everything in abundance
#83. life is an incredible exciting and beautiful journey
#84. the vision within me is creating the world around me
#85. I’m creating the world around me because I am creator
#86. I am full of boundless positive energy
#87. I see happiness and success everywhere I go
#88. I create joy
#89. I share love and help others to succeed beyond their dreams
#90. success is within me in every cell of my body
#91. I feel success
#92. I am success
#93. my beliefs determine my reality
#94.I am the master and the creator of my beliefs
#95. there is nothing I cannot do
#96. I am a force for positive change
#97. For impact to be made in this world I share positivity and spread happiness just by being me all of this seems to just work automatically for me.
#98. my positive affirmations for love and success always work
#99. I have the power to create my life the way I wanted
#100. I can move mountains with my mind
#101. I believe deeply that I can achieve anything
#102. every day I am more and more successful

#103. success always comes to me effortlessly
#104. my life is filled with abundance and prosperity
#105. it is so easy for me to succeed
#106. the moment I set my mind to it everything just comes my way
#107. I know exactly what I want and whatever I want I always achieve it
#108. I can pick myself up and I can motivate myself in an instance
#109. I am strong
#110. I am powerful
#111. I am confident
#112. I am destined for greatness
#113. life is a beautiful adventure
#114. today I will take steps towards realizing my dreams
#115. everything I could ever want is here right in front of me and there’s still so much waiting to come to
#116. all that I want is created already
#117. all that I want is in existence already
#118. all that I want is all coming my way
#119. I feel refreshed
#120. I feel excited and I am determined to excel today
#121. I’m in the right state of mind to achieve anything that I want in an instant
#122. my thoughts create my reality and I am the master of my thoughts
#123. I’m in charge of my life
#124. my thoughts and ideas are the core of my success
I create my reality
I create my success
I create my life
I am creator
I create beyond imagination because I am creator.
So these are some of the Powerful Positive Daily Affirmations, one must try to achieve anything.
Also read: Overnight Millionaire System review
Comment below your favourite one or the one’s you have created on your own, using the technique I have shared.
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