How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

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How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety: Exams are the necessary evil which is faced not only by students but by everyone in almost every walk of life.

And before every such exam the fear or stress, anxiety starts setting in.

Believe me this is normal but how we handle it is the question.

Most of us have their exams in the month of february, march and also these are times when weather is clear and the youngsters want to enjoy this time with family and friends, before the summer starts.

And also this is the period to prepare for the upcoming exams. This becomes confusing for most of the students to maintain the balance between studying and enjoying with family.

But this also does not mean that on should completely shut himself. Yes, do not isolate yourself from friends and family, keep meeting them in a while after you have done your target study for the day.

Maintaining balance between these two is not a joke. Both demand your time to get the fruits you want.

Ahhhhhh, you have to prioritize.

In the battle of books vs. girlfriends or boyfriends, the books have to win.

How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety
How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

The reason we are emphasizing on how to overcome exam stress & anxiety is because it has been found that during the exam season phone calls to the counselors are being increased by number of times for tips on how to overcome exam stress and anxiety of their childrens.

So here is a lesson for the parents as well as the teachers.

As the responsibility of their students and children lies with them.

Teachers should encourage, inspire their students which will help them in boosting their morale and Parents should also learn not to burden their aspiration on the childrens.

What causes exam stress?

  1. Not having enough time to study.
  2. Fear of failing in an exam.
  3. Not feeling prepared.
  4. The feeling of competition with others
  5. The pressure of family and relatives to get good marks.
  6. The expectation of desired results.
  7. Other happenings in life.
  8. Not having a good space to study.
  9. Finding it hard to understand the subject they are studying.
  10. Feeling of not doing good.

These are some of the causes of exam stress.

Tips to Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

The formula is to keep yourself from distractions and set an ideal studying conditions.

so here are some tips to overcome exam stress and anxiety.

  1. Eat light breakfast, it will help you concentrate rather than feeling sleepy.
  2. You should take regular break, just take a walk of your home in this time.
  3. Keep everything in its place, so you can find your study material as and when needed.
  4. Research about the exam thoroughly.
  5. Prepare mind maps to collect data.
  6. Break down your work into small tasks and sessions.
  7. If stuck ask for help – to your teachers, parents, mentors anyone you think has good knowledge about that subject.
  8. Do not change places while studying, sit in one place regularly. It makes our body comfortable quickly inturn helps in increased concentration.
  9. Do yoga in the morning.

(Read : How to Eat Healthy )

How to Study easily?

Planning plays major role in studying easily.

Failing to Plan, Is a Planning to Fail.

If you already know what to study and how to study 70% of your work is done.

Rest depends on your implementation of the prepared plan. The difference between the most successul and unsuccessful peoples is just the implementation of the plan.

See making a study timetable or plan is a very easy task & it takes just 1-2 hour to come up with the most successful plan on the planet.

But the hardest thing comes after that is of executing the plan, till the date of exam.

How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety

9 Tips on study strategies.

  1. Be focused on your studies and not on netflix.
  2. Eat good food.
  3. Stay away from junk food- they leads to lethargy.
  4. Once you achieved your study goal for 1 hour give yourself a time break and take a walk or run.
  5. Set time for eating and sleeping, it should be same for all the days ( sundays included).
  6. Take proper sleep at night, as brain needs time to recharge itself.
  7. Include lots of green vegetables, cereals, grains and nuts in your diet to maintain good energy level throughout the day.
  8. Take-out time for breathing exercises, meditation or listening to music, it helps in getting body relaxed.
  9. Drink good amount of water throughout the day.

(Also Read : Meditation for Beginners )

Last Minute Study Tips:

  1. Wake up early and start studying exactly at the time at which your exams start.
  2. Give mock test full the same duration of your exam.
  3. Do not try to learn the topics which you have never touched before.
  4. Meditate 10-15 min.
  5. Good sleep is again a priority.
  6. Walk in a garden or listens to some music, it acts as a stress buster.
  7. If the exam centre is new to you visit it a day before and discover the travel mediums.
  8. Keep all your stationery ready.

What should I do one day before exam?

Tips on How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety on a day before exam.

  1. Firstly, organize everything you need to take with you to the exam.
  2. Relax with your family, it dos not mean watching TV full night.
  3. Remind yourself of what you have studied so far.
  4. Do not listen to the friends who says how nervous or how prepared they are.
  5. Get your whole stuff like admit card, stationery packed.
  6. Believe in yourself, remind yourself all of the hard work you have done till now.
  7. Memorize before going to sleep, it improves memory retention.
  8. Before switching off your lights have a quick glance on important formulas, facts or equation.

What to do on exam day?

  1. Wake up early and do meditation.
  2. Get freshen up quickly and be ready before time.
  3. A light breakfast is a must.
  4. Drink water before going to exam, it will keep you hydrated throughout the journey.
  5. Carry a water bottle to your centre. *if allowed.
  6. Reach your examination centre early.
  7. Do not carry books to the centre.
  8. Have faith in yourself, in your efforts.
  9. Last-minute cramming can leads to stress, so no studying at the exam centre.
  10. Sit comfortably, don’t be panic; you are well prepared and it is not the end of the world.
  11. If you feel like worrying focus on the breath. It helps youget relax.
  12. Go through the whole paper at once.
  13. Decide how much time to give for each section.
  14. Start with the questions you find easy.
  15. Save time to go through the answers once again, so if needed you can do corrections.

Always remember exams are their to test our preparations not use.

In the end how much marks you get is not going to make the difference but how much you learn and how many things you grasped right now will make a world of difference.

(Read: Positive Affirmations)

These are some tips on How To Overcome Exam Stress & Anxiety. And you are not the only one who feels stressed about the exams. Everyone has to face exams, so why not face them bravely and with a smile.


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