Morning Yoga Poses

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Morning Yoga Poses: Yoga is a way of experiencing everything as one. It is not the property of any one religion. It has been scientifically proven that, there are numerous bnefits of yoga from physical to mental.

Mentally these practices make you more calm, peaceful, happy and keep you focused all the time.

While physically it has many benefits. Yoga for lower and upper back pain, yoga can be done during the pregnancy also “Prenatal yoga poses”.It also helps in Weight Loss.

There are various Mudra’s in yoga if practiced alongside can give quick benefits.

One can get immense benefits if, one is regular with his early Morning Yoga Poses.

It is best to practice yoga before 8.00 AM in the morning. As it is the time when there is less friction in the system, which is best suitable for the Yoga poses or practice.

It is said in the east ,that if you want some exceptional spiritual progress you should do your practices before sunrise.

Time from 3.20 Am till 3.40 Am is said to be the Bramha Muhurta the time of the Divine. The time of the creator. So practising at this time gives immense benefits.

Morning Yoga Flow

If want to know the spiritual nature of your existence practice yoga before sunrise, and if you just want the physical benefits of it then practice yoga around sunrise time.

To transcend your physicality Bramha Muhurta is the best time to do so. As our energies are at flux during these times of day.

If you live in the tropical climate,it is best to practice yoga before 8.00 am in morning.

As the yoga practice generates heat, in the body, which is known as Ushna. This Heat shows dynamism in the body.

There are many yoga poses which one can do, I have just handpicked some of them.

As these some of them are simple and quick to do, as it has become hard for many people’s to take out time from their fast pace life for yoga.

so here are some of the Morning yoga poses to start your day with.

Also read: Seated Forward Bend

Morning Yoga Poses For Beginners

  1. Cat-Cow pose
  2. Warrior Pose
  3. Forearm Plank Pose
  4. Spinal Twist
  5. Low Lunges (Anjaneyasana)

Morning yoga poses are as follows:

1.Cat-Cow Pose:

Morning Yoga To Start with Healthy Day

>Be on your knees and hands.

>Your palms should be directly under your shoulders and knees under the hips.

>Hands should be shoulder apart and knees be hips apart from each other.

>inhale while moving your belly towards the ground. Open up the chest and look towards the ceiling.- Cow pose

>exhale while moving your belly towards ceiling .Neck should be bend ,look towards the floor.

>repeat this Cat-Cow pose 3-4 times.

This Pose improves flexibility of the spine.

2.Warrior Pose:

Morning Yoga To Start with Healthy Day
weight loss

It helps in shaping your arms, legs, and lower back

>Step your left foot toward the back. Now bring your left foot toes in a 45-degree angle.

>Start to bend your right knee so it comes over the ankle. Widen your stance so it helps in increasing the stability of your posture.

> Arm position may vary according to your flexibility.

>Make sure your hips pointing forward not twisted to the side.

3.Forearm Plank:

Can Yoga Build Biceps|Yogabicep
Can Yoga Build Biceps|Yogabicep

Plank puts immense stress on your upper arms muscles which will helps in making them strong and big.

Your hands should be under the shoulders. That is your should be on your wrists. Toes should be touching the ground.

Neutralize the neck and spine, they should not be bent towards the ground or the ceiling. Keep them straight as far as possible. look towards the ground at point , foot beyond your shoulders. that will help in keeping the perfect posture.

Maintain this position for about 20-22 seconds. As you get comfortable doing it increase your timings.

4.Spinal Twist Pose:

>lying on the back ,arms by the side touching the waist. palms of your hands be in touch with the ground. This the first step.

>bend the right from the knee, and place the right foot on the left knee.

>as you exhale drop the right knee to the left side ,twisting the spine.

>Shoulders be in touch with the ground. Left arm be over right knee.

>Look on the opposite side of the bended knee.

>Stay in this pose for 15-20seconds and then repeat the same for the other leg.

5.Low Lunges (Anjaneyasna):

Morning Yoga Poses
Low Lunges

Strengthens Back,hip,Legs. Helps in proper functioning of thyroid gland.

>Be in Downward Dog Pose.

>With exhalation bring your right foot in between your hands.

>Lower the other leg till it touches the ground, you will feel a nice stretch in the hip muscles.

>With inhalation move your chest away from the thigh and hands facing upwards in contact with the ears.

>Look Straight ,weight should be shifted on the hips.

>one variation is that you can bend a little backward so that your gaze is upon the thumbs of your hands.

10 Minutes Morning Yoga Poses:

10 Minute Morning yoga poses are as follows:

  1. Surya Namaskar
  2. Chair Pose
  3. Wide leg Forward Bend
  4. Half Lord Of Fishes Pose
  5. Natarajasana

1.Surya Namaskar:

Morning Yoga Poses
surya namaskar

It is also known as the king of asanas. As sun salutation works on the whole body and not only on any particular part. One round of Surya namaskar consists of 12 asanas. Do 2 cycles of it,if you are in hurry.

Learn Full Surya Namaskar here: Surya Namaskar

2.Chair Pose:

Morning Yoga Poses

It strengthens The calf muscles, knees , Vertebral column and ankle.

>Stand straight with feet apart.

>Stretch your hands straight, forward with the palms facing downwards.

>Bend your knees slightly and push the pelvis back, imagine like you are sitting on the chair.

>Make sure the hands are parallel to ground. sit straight and lengthen the spine.

Keep breathing normally throughout the pose , be aware of your posture.

And after 25-30 sec keeps going down, if you want you may lie down on your back and relax.

3.Wide Leg Forward Bend:

Be in Tadasana. Now Spread your legs wide apart.

>Inner feet be parallel to each other.

>Feet and big toes should be firm on ground.

>Place your hands on the hip. inhale.

>Now start bending forward from the hip, exhale. Go down towards the floor.

>Now there are two variations either you can keep your hands on the hips or else you can make palms of your hands touch the ground.

Stay in this position for few seconds.

If you can go further down, i mean if its comfortable for you, release you head down so the crown of your head touches the ground.

>maintaining a straight back is very important, if you cannot go further respect your boundaries of body and come back a little.

4.Half Lord Of Fishes:

Half lord of fishes.

It increases the flexibility of spine.

Helps in relieving tension in mid spine.

>Sit with your legs straight in front of you.

>Bend your right knee and step out your right foot outside of the left leg. The right knee will point towards the ceiling. Bend the left knee in such a way that it touches the opposite hip.

>Right hand should be firmly placed on the ground behind the hip.

>inhale, start lifting your left arm and as you exhale twist yourselves towards right. Left arm elbow should be placed outside right thigh.

>Sit firmly on your sitting bones, give gentle twist towards right as you exhale everytime.

>For variation you can look above your shoulder. Hold this pose for a couple of breaths and then repeat this on the other side.


Morning Yoga Poses

>balance your body on the right leg, now bend your left leg from knee.

>Lift the left leg and hold the toes of the left leg with palm of left arm.

>Give the backward push with left leg.

>Slightly bend forward and stretch the right arm straight forward.

>Right leg should be firm on the ground.

look forward. Be in this state for 5 -7 seconds. Repeat this with other legs.

15 Minutes Morning Yoga Stretches

  1. Tadasana
  2. Triangle Pose
  3. Downward Dog Pose
  4. Cobra Pose
  5. Child Pose
  6. Angle Pose
  7. Warrior Pose 3

1. Tadasana

raised arm

A basic standing asana
>>Stand straight, Keep your spine erect.
>>Join the hands in namaskar mudra and then raise them upwards above the head.
>>Tilt your back and head slightly as if you are looking at the fingers.
>>breathing is normal during the whole process.
>>hold for 10 seconds, exhale, come back to normal position

2. Triangle Pose

Yoga for Lower and Upper Back Pain
trikonasana (triangle pose)

It is performed in 2 parts. Facing left and facing right.
>>Stand on the feet apart from each other.
>>Knees should be unbent.
>>Turn your right foot to 90degree and left to 45degree. Keeping the heels in line with hips.
>> As you inhale stand tall and as you exhale try to reach the right side foot with the right hand. And the left hand should face towards the ceiling.
>>Breath in hold this for 20 seconds and repeat the same with other hands.

3. Downward Dog Pose

Arm’s should be kept shoulder width distance. In this we will try to push the floor away from ourselves.

Straighten the legs and start raising your hip from the ground. Palms should be placed flat on the floor , fingers spread wide apart for proper balance.

Shift the weight on the legs.

4. Cobra Pose

Yoga for Lower and Upper Back Pain
Yoga for Lower and Upper Back Pain

As you inhale, you may keep your elbows bent in this pose and applying force on the ground as if you are trying to push the ground with both the hands, make a gentle effort to push the chest forward and try to look towards the sky.

The navel should touch the ground and legs should be straight. Stretch as much as you can do.

5.Child Pose

Morning Yoga Poses
Morning Yoga Poses For Beginners

It helps in reducing stress in hips and thighs. Relieves back and neck pain.

>Kneel on your knees.

>Your big toes should be touching each other, Widen your knees slightly apart from each other.

>As you exhale bend forward, your stomach and chest be resting on the thigh, and make your forehead touch the ground.

>With the palms facing down arms can be extended overhead.

Stretch the legs backward and the hands forward.

>Be in this pose for 10 breaths and then with inhalation come back to normal pose.

6.Angle Pose

angle pose
angle pose

This bending posture helps in burning fat around the waistline.

>Stand straight with the feet apart from each other. arms alongside the body

>Breath in and raise the left arm up, pointing towards the sky. Breath out and bend the body first from the spine and then from pelvis towards the right side.

>Move the face to look up at the left palm.

>Breath in straighten the body back then breath out bring the left palm back to rest position. relax.

>repeat this 2-3 times

7. Warrior Pose 3

Morning Yoga Poses
warrior pose 3

>It strengthens hamstrings,calves,and abdominal muscles.

>with exhalation bend forward and lift your left leg up to the point where the thighs are parallel to the ground.feet should be stretched.

>The body should be balanced on the right leg alone.

>Look either straight or down .

>Join both the arms, and bring them in such a away that they are inline with the lifted leg.

>As you inhale come back to rest position.

>Repeat this with other leg. Once you are able to properly balance your body on either of your leg, hold the position for 15-20 seconds.

Also read : Diet for Weight Loss


I have been a regular practitioner of Yoga from last 5 years, and I can definitely say that yoga has not only changed my entire perspective towards the way of looking at life but it has taught me to live in unison with everything on this planet.

At first, it was difficult for me and I think many of you will face the same situation of getting up early to do morning yoga poses or practices.

But I would like to suggest that make a daily routine, before going to bed, about the next day, schedule your whole day starting with yoga, now act upon it.

Be the man/woman of your words. It will take about a week to get habitual with getting up in the morning. Just do it.

Once you see results, Nothing is more motivational than getting positive results.

These results will do everything after that.

From the past 5 years, my regular routine, till the date, I am sharing this is, waking up at 3.15 in the morning that too without the help of any alarm.

My body has become used to it, as no matter in which place I am my body comes awake at this time.

This will happen to you also, I am damn sure about it because if (a lazy person which I used to be ) it worked for me then it can work for anybody who is willing to give time to yoga.

Start with these morning Yoga Poses and see the results for yourselves.

Note: Remember to always listen to your body and modify the poses as needed to make them comfortable for you. It’s also important to warm up before doing any physical activity, and to practice with the guidance of a qualified instructor if you are new to yoga.


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