Mudra’s In Yoga | Yoga Mudra and its Importance

Yoga Mudra—–|Mudra’s have a very special significance in Yoga. There is a whole science of Yoga Mudra. The Whole Universe is made of five elements i.e Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Akasha (Aether), Bhumi (Earth) and Jala (Water
Yoga Mudra’s should be
Table of Contents
Types of Yoga Mudra’s
Praana Mudra | Mudra’s in Yoga

How to practice Praana Mudra?
This postures is made by connecting the tips of Ring finger, Little finger and the thumb, rest two fingers should be kept straight.
- It helps in reducing hunger , which can be helpful if you are on fasting.
2. It helps in increasing the immunity of the body as it stimulates the internal organs of the body.
3. It removes tiredness and energizes the whole system. Eliminates fatigue.
Apan Mudra

How to practice Apan Mudra?
This posture is made by connecting the tips of Middle finger, thumb and Ring finger. Rest fingers should be kept straight.
It helps in the detoxification of the body by removing the waste from it.
Menstrual pains and problems during menopause can also be cured by this posture.
It is also helpful in kidney defects and dental problems. While Regular practice of apan mudra can relieve from the problems of constipation.
Prithvi Mudra

How to do Prithvi Mudra?
This posture is made by connecting the tips of ring finger and the thumb. Rest three fingers should be kept straight.
- Regular practice of
prithvi mudra can help in reducing weight if one isover weight or it can help in weight gain if one isunder .weight
2 . It helps in proper digestion of food.
3. It helps in removing vitamin defieciency and inturn energizes the body.
4. Increases life energies.
Shunya Mudra

How to do Shunya Mudra?
This posture is made with the use of middle finger and thumb. Bend the Middle finger and make it touch the base of the thumb. Then apply pressure on the middle finger with the help of the thumb.
- It is helpful in low hearing ,ear ache. As it can help cure them,if one practices this mudra regularly.
2. Helpful in reducing the heart diseases and throat related problems.
3. Helps in Strengthening of bones.
Note: Do not do this while Eating.
Vayu Mudra

How to do Vayu Mudra?
This posture is made by applying the index finger to the base of the thumb. Then apply gentle Pressure on the index finger with the help of thumb.
1.It is helpful in Arthiritis, knee pain.
2.It is helpful in relieving muscle stress.
3.Controls nervousness and gastric problems.
Apan Vayu Mudra

How to do it?
This posture is the combination of Apan Mudra and Vayu Mudra. When both of these postures are done together Apan Vayu Mudra is formed. In this touch the tips of the middle finger, ring finger and index finger altogether. The little finger should be kept straight.
1.Helps in removing Vata Dosha.
2.Strengthens Heart.
3.It is helpful in reducing headache , high blood pressure and gases.
Surya Mudra

How to do Surya Mudra?
This posture is done by connecting the ring finger to the base of the thumb, then apply gentle pressure on the ring fingure with the helpof thumb. This makes the Surya Mudra.
1.It helps in weight loss, obesity.
2.It increases the heat in the body which result in proper digestion in the body.
3.Regular practice of this mudra helps to cure diabetes and kidney-related problem.
4. Removes stress and reduces cholesterol from blood.
Varun Mudra

How to do Varun Mudra?
This Mudra is done by touching the little finger to the front side of the thumb.
1.It helps in dermatatis.
2.Removes pimples from face. Makes face clear and beautiful.
3.Increases the quantity of water in the body.
Gyan Mudra/ Dhyan Mudra

This mudra is made by connecting the index finger to the front side of the thumb.
1.Helps in increasing consciousness and memory.
2. Increases immunity of thee body.
3.Reduces headache, stress and insomnia.
So here are some of the important Mudra’s of Yoga, discussed above , give your opinion on that if you liked them.