Tamil Yogi|Part 3

Allama Mahaprabhu There is a very beautiful story in the yogic lore of Karnataka. This was a great yogi named Siddhalinga who lived in the region of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in the Deccan Plateau of South India. He walked this region with such great authority, going everywhere and proving Read more…


Tamil Yogi|Part 2

Akka Mahadevi– Deevotee of Shiva Akka Mahadevi was a devotee of Shiva. Right from childhood she had completely given herself to Shiva and she looked upon him as her husband. A king saw her one day and she was so beautiful that he married her. But in her mind and Read more…

surya namaskar / sun salutation

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

For the most part, individuals comprehend Surya Namaskar as an activity: it fortifies your back, your muscles, and so forth. Truly, it unquestionably does all that and that’s just the beginning. It is a significant complete exercise for the physical framework – a far reaching exercise structure with no requirement Read more…

About YOGA!

Yoga is not about bending and twisting your body or holding your breath. It is a mechanism and a technology to get you to that state of experience where you see reality just the way it is. Yoga is to expand the boundary of your sensation in such a way Read more…