Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

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surya namaskar / sun salutation

For the most part, individuals comprehend Surya Namaskar as an activity: it fortifies your back, your muscles, and so forth. Truly, it unquestionably does all that and that’s just the beginning. It is a significant complete exercise for the physical framework – a far reaching exercise structure with no requirement for hardware. However, most importantly, it is a significant instrument that engages individuals to break liberated from the enthusiastic cycles and examples of lives.

The Surya Namaskaras are a finished body exercise. Completing 12 arrangements of this activity converts into doing 288 amazing yoga asanas in a range of 12 to 15 minutes. The Surya Namaskaras additionally structure a mind boggling join between the warmup exercises and the serious yoga asanas.

Surya Namaskar means to bow down to the sun in the morning. The sun is the source of life. In everything we eat, drink, there is an element of him. If you learn how to take the sun, and make it a part of your system, you will benefit from it.

Surya Namaskar: Syncing with the solar cycle

Being in sync with the solar cycle means making the body in a such a way that it is no longer a problem.

Surya Namaskar, which is known as “Sun Salutation” in English, it is essentially a science where our physical cycles are in sync with the sun’s cycles. It is not by accident that it has been build with twelve asanas in it. If your system is in a different state, and in a good state of receptivity, then it is natural that our whole system will in sync with sun.

What Must You Know Before You Start Off With The Asanas?

  • Bathe in cool water

Before starting the practice, take shower using water that is at the room temperature. If a certain quantity of water flows over your body that is cooler than room temperature, the cells will contract and the intercellular spaces will expand. If you use warm or hot water, the cells will open up and absorb water – that is not what we want. For the practice of yoga, it is important that the cells contract and the intercellular spaces open up, because we want the body to be charged with a another dimension of energy.

  • Rub sweat into the skin

Whether you practice Surya namaskar– if you start sweating, please do not wipe off the sweat with a towel always rub it back, on your skin. Do not wipe off the sweat, if you do you will drain the energy that you have gained. During practice avoid going to bathrooms, swipe off sweat or drink water unless it is extremely necessary.

And, after practicing yoga, wait for about 1.5 hours before taking a shower.

How To Do The Surya Namaskar?

Here are the12 steps on how to do Surya Namaskar yoga. Different teachers have different ways of teaching this sequence.

1. Prayer Pose or Pranamasana

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the sides, and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position.Face towards the sun and keep your hands in front of the chest. Keep your feet together in a such a way that the body is balanced perfectly on both the feet.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

2. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Take the breath-in and lift both arms up and back , make sure your both the arms are in close contact with ears. Main focus is to stretch the body as far as you can from the heels to the tip of the finger.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)

3. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
Now start exhaling through the nose, while exhaling bend forward from the waist, keeping your spine erect. On exhaling completely bring your hands on the floor besides feet.
For beginners – they can bend the knees slightly if they want to bring the palms to touch the floor. With regular practice of this asana, they will be able to do it perfectly without bending knees. (so relax).

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
Ashwa Sanchalanasana Or The Equestrian Pose

. 4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana Or The Equestrian Pose
Breathing in start bending downwards and push your left leg as back as possible and look up towards sky, while the palms are in touch with the floor beside the chest. The right leg will be in the middle of both the hands.

Surya Namaskar
Parvatasana Or Mountain Pose

.5. Parvatasana Or Mountain Pose
Breath out and take your right leg as back as possible keeping the head in the middle of both the hands, lift up your hips and tailbone keep the hands and the planks steady. Your chest must face downwards to form an inverted V.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

6 – Ashtanga Namaskara Or The Salute With Eight Parts
Gently bring your knees down to the floor, and Exhale. Take your hips back, and slide forward, such that your chin and chest rest on the floor. Raise your buttocks slightly. You will notice that the hands, feet, knees, chest, and chin touch the floor. Eight parts in total.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
As you inhale,You may keep your elbows bent in this pose and applying force on the ground as if you are trying to push the ground with both the hands, make a gentle effort to push the chest forward and try to look towards the sky. The navel should touch the ground and legs should be straight. Stretch as much as you can do not try to force the body.

8. Parvatasana Or Mountain Pose
Breath out and take your right leg as back as possible keeping the head in the middle of both the hands, lift up your hips and tailbone keep the hands and the planks steady. Your chest must face downwards to form an inverted V.

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana Or The Equestrian Pose
Breathing in start bending downwards and push your left leg as back as possible and look up towards sky, while the plams are in touch with the floor beside the chest. The right leg will be in the middle of both the hands.

10 –Hastapadasana Or Hand To Foot Pose
Now start exhaling through the nose, while exhaling bend forward from the waist ,keeping your spine erect. On exhaling completly bring your hands on the floor besides feet.
For begineers – They can bend the knees slightly if they want to bring the palms touch the floor . With regular practice of this asana they will be able to do it perfectly without bending knees.(so relax).

11 . Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Take the breath-in and lift both arms up and back , make sure your both the arms are in close contact with ears. Main focus is to stretch the body as far as you can from the heels to the tip of the finger.

12. Prayer Pose or Pranamasana
As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the sides, and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position.Face towards the sun and keep your hands in front of the chest. Keep your feet together in a such a way that the body is balanced perfectly on both the feet.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.

At the point when you practice the Sun Salutation normally, you notice some excellent advantages all over your body.

The extraordinary and amazing asanas in the training incredibly affect the stomach, liver, heart, digestion tracts, chest, throat, and legs, which implies the entire body from head to toe is profited.

The Surya Namaskar likewise improves and upgrades blood dissemination all through the body, and this guarantees the best possible working of the stomach, and the operational hubs.

It likewise helps in weight loss. When you practice this schedule each day, the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are additionally adjusted.

Surya namaskar helps in achieving more muscles and core strength.

It regulates the flow of blood in the body thus making the skin looks glowing and young.

As Surya namaskar helps in maintaining the proper blood flow, it also results in healthy hair growth.

The different poses in surya namaskar actually stops the greying of hairs.

Surya namaskar comprises of various yoga poses which gives intense exercises to all the body parts leading to weight loss.

If you are the one looking for weight loss yoga then Surya Namaskar is the perfect one.

It strengthens the digestive track.

Mental as well as physical health is restored by regular practice.

Lung capacity increases drastically thus increasing the oxygen intakeof the body.

My suggestion would be you should practice 10-12 Surya Namaskar in the morning daily. Stay fit, as they say, “Health is Wealth”

Categories: Yoga


Mood Gratitude · at

Very insightful to understand this practice. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been practicing for a few months now and although I can’t see the benefits in an obvious way, i believe it’s benefiting my body.

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