Yoga Poses For Stronger Knees

If you are searching for the most effective yoga poses for stronger knees? then one thing is clear that you are suffering from knee pains in other words weaker knees.
And you are not alone in this. There’s approximately 15.57 million people in America alone are having knee pains and 6.1 million knee replacement occurs each year and this number is growing with every coming year.
So if you are suffering from knee pain and if you are thinking of starting any kind of yoga practice or thinking of joining yoga classes, then ‘WAIT’. Here’s a suggestion for you:-
If joining a yoga class on the first day itself tell your yoga instructor that you are suffering from knee pain or having weaker knees.
Why I am saying this is because it will prevent your from further damage. Now must be thinking of How it is going to happen?.
As you tell yoga instructor on the first day itself he/she will be more cautious with you and will not recommend the advance yoga poses, as there are chances that they can negatively impact your knees.
In your case, the yoga instructor will be more focused on the yoga poses for stronger knees, which will make them stronger and helps reduce knees pain.
And if you are doing yoga for a long time and if you are noticing knee pain, there may be other issues but I would suggest you to check how correctly and accurately you are doing your yoga.
If in doubt I would suggest you take a yoga course online if you can’t go outside.
The reason behind this is many times what happens is we do some of the yoga poses incorrectly which induces stress and pain in the knee region. The experienced yoga teacher will help you correct this.
(If you are confused about which yoga wear to buy then you must check this yoga activewear collection).
Table of Contents
Yoga Poses For Stronger Knees
List Of Yoga Poses For Knees
1. Butterfly Pose
2. Tadasana
3. Cobra Pose
4. Triangle Pose
5. Supported Chair Pose
6. Child Pose
7. Downward Facing Dog Pose
8. Pigeon Pose
9. Bridge Pose
1. Butterfly/ Patangasana

- Sit straight with your spine erect and legs should be in front of you.
- Gently bend your legs at the knees and bring them towards the pelvis in such a way that the soles are touching each other.
- Hold your feet with your hands, you can hold them tightly depends upon your grip.
- Try to bring your heels as close as to the genitals.
- Look straight do not bend your spine.
- Now start moving your thighs upward and downwards same as the wings of butterfly.
- You can breathe a little deeper throughout the process.
- Do it for 5-6 minutes. Feel the stretch. If you are comfortable you can increase the speed.
Benefits of butterfly pose
- Helps in menopause.
- Regulates proper blood flow.
- Makes hip and thigh part flexible.
- Provides good stretch to inner thighs, knees.
- Helps in better delivery if done by pregnant ladies.
2. Tadasana

- Firstly, you stand up and keep your waist and neck straight.
- Now lift your hands over the head and slowly take the whole body up while breathing in.
- Feel the stretch from the toe to the fingers of the hand.
- Keep this state for some time and breathe normally.
- Then gradually bring your hands and body back to the normal.
- In this way a cycle is completed
- Practice it at least three to four times.
Benefits of Tadasana
- Helps in strengthening knee, thigh muscles.
- Stretches and strengthens spine.
- Relieves stress
- Improves overall body posture.
3. Cobra Pose

- With inhalation, apply force on the ground as if you are trying to push the ground with both the hands.
- You may keep your elbows bent in this pose.
- Now make a gentle effort to push the chest forward and try to look towards the sky.
- The navel should touch the ground and legs should be straight.
- Stretch as much as you can do not try to force the body.
Benefits of Cobra Pose
- Helps in reducing lower back pain.
- Improves flexibility of spine.
- Strengthens back and chest muscles.
- Improves blood circulation to heart.
4. Triangle Pose

- Stand straight with feet distant apart (more than shoulder) and arms by your side.
- Wider the legs intense is the stretch.
- Raise your arms to shoulder level, with palms facing downward.
- Slowly turn your body to right side making sure that it is aligned and straight.
- Knees should be unbent.
- Turn your right foot to 90degree and left to 45degree. Keeping the heels in line with hips.
- As you inhale stand tall and as you exhale try to reach the right side foot with the right hand. And the left hand should face towards the ceiling.
- Breath in hold this for 20 seconds.
- Return to normal position, and repeat the same with other hands.
Benefits of Triangle pose
- Stretches knee, thigh, back, chest muscles
- Increases strength of knee, ankle joint thus reducing knee pain.
- Improves abdominal organs.
5. Supported Chair Pose
This can be done after tadasana, as the starting is same.
- Stand with your hands up just like in tadasana.
- With exhalation bend your hips and be in the position similar to sitting on a chair with your hips back.
- Knees should placed forward and hips back in such a way that you can see your toes.
- Keeping stretching your hands upwards while maintaining the sitting position.
- Do it for 6-8 breaths.
- Now come back to normal standing position lowering your arms.
Benefits of Supported chair pose
- Improves legs, ankles and knee strength.
- Strengthens back muscles.
- Increases power in abdominal region.
6. Child Pose

One of the most effective yoga poses for stronger knees.
- Kneel on your knees.
- Your big toes should be touching each other, Widen your knees slightly apart from each other.
- As you exhale bend forward, your stomach and chest be resting on the thigh, and make your forehead touch the ground.
- With the palms facing down arms can be extended overhead.
- Be in this pose for 10 breaths and then with inhalation come back to normal pose.
Benefits of child pose
- Strengthens hips, thighs and ankles.
- Stretches and strengthens knee ligament, tendons.
- Regulates blood circulation.
- Improves digestion.
- Relieves tension in back, shoulder region.
7. Downward facing dog pose

- Arm’s should be kept at shoulder width distance.
- Try to push the floor away from ourselves.
- Straighten the legs and start raising you hip from the ground.
- Palms should be placed flat on the floor, fingers spread wide-apart for proper balance.
- Shift the weight on the legs. Be in this pose for as far as you can then come back to normal.
Benefits of downward facing dog pose
- Helps in increasing arms and legs strength.
- Calms the brain
- Gives a stretch to arms, thighs and back.
8. Pigeon Pose

- Starting in cobra pose bring the right leg forward and left leg stretches back.
- Bend your right leg at knee.
- Hands are placed sideways to the legs.
- Looking straight, exhale and as the whole body weight shifts on the right leg.
- Repeat the same with left leg.
Benefits of Pigeon pose
- Gives a complete stretch to hip flexors.
- Improves abdominal and legs muscles strength.
9. Bridge Pose
- Lie down on your back with palms facing down.
- Place your feet firmly on the ground and as you inhale lift your thighs , hips up towards sky.
- Your body weight should be on feet,sehoulder.
- Thighs are parallel to the ground and chest touches the chin.
- Keep breathing normally.
- If you want, you can also lift a little more with the support of your hands.
Benefits of Bridge pose
- Increases core power
- Helps in lowering menstrual discomfort.
- Relieves tension in legs, especially in knee region.
- Open-up chest muscles.
- Improves functionality of abdominal organs.
How to protect your knees from wearing out?
f you have less flexibility then some of the advanced yoga poses ex. seated forward bend, triangle pose, etc which needs hyper-extension of knees should be avoided. Still if you want to do then I would suggest you to keep slight bend in the bend while performing your yoga-asana.
If you are beginner in yoga, props can be of utmost use. Yoga blocks can help you avoid to much stress on your knees than they are prepared for. You should use yoga props (*compulsary) if you are a beginner.
Strive for achieving the proper balance while doing yoga poses. By proper balance what I mean is every part of the body is in proper sync without any stress on a particular region.
Most of the time knee injury occurs due to imbalance and misalignment while doing yoga poses. But with daily practice of yoga you will attain that perfect balance.
Learn the proper way of doing those yoga poses. As I said earlier that one of the many reasons of getting knee pain is incorrect way of doing yoga. So focus more on doing yoga pose correctly to get benefited more from your practice.
Lastly, know when and how much to push your body. Yes, many people’s don’t know this simple thing because they don’t listen to their body and invites injuries.
You should stop as soon as you feel discomfort while doing any of the yoga pose, it is best to stop or pull yourself back as you may experience knee pain not immediately but definitely.
If you are a beginner in yoga your yoga teacher must know that so they can be more cautious with you.
Why Yoga for Knee Pain Works?
Yoga has immense benefits if you practice it regularly. As you regularly practise yoga poses for stronger knees, it will help you achieve that perfect balance, stretch, flexibility in your poses which will help you get rid of knee pain. The daily practice of yoga works similarly as physical therapy does.
The mentioned yoga poses for stronger knee target knee pain in particular by strengthening the knees though they have other benefits such as strengthening hip muscles, leg muscles, arm muscles.
So these were the most effective yoga poses for stronger knees which can be done by anyone. I would suggest everyone should do yoga no matter you are having knee pain or not. Do consult your doctor if there’s severe pain.
If you are recovering from knee surgery then these yoga poses will help in faster recovery if practiced regularly.
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