Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

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Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women. Yoga is a set of mental, physical, spiritual exercises.

Yoga is a way of expanding the boundaries of your sensations and experiencing the state of oneness within.

As it has no side-effects, it is becoming popular among the pregnant ladies too.

During pregnancy, one may experience mixed emotions, mood swings.

This all happens because of the hormonal changes you are facing during this phase, which can literally lead to physical fatigue.

Nowadays, Doctors are also suggesting Yoga Poses for pregnant women.

as they can help in relieving pain and keeping the Body and Mind focussed, flexible, relaxed.

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How Yoga can help during Pregnancy.

  • >> Yoga poses help in keeping the body flexible and relieve the tensions from the Parts which are affected during Pregnancy.
  • >> In some studies it is found that yoga poses can ease labor and delivery.
  • >>Deep breathing exercises help you relax consciously and removes stress.
  • >>Some Yoga Poses can help you alleviate the problems like constipation, Lower abdomen pain, Leg cramps.
  • >>Stretching exercises can prepare you for normal-delivery and also helps in recovery post-delivery.

The last two decades have seen a tremendous increase in the importance of Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women to have a healthy pregnancy.

Modern medicine now confirms what the ancient art of yoga has known all along:

The regular practice of yoga before, during, and after pregnancy can all help ensure a smooth pregnancy and increases the chances of a trouble-free birth.

Yoga at home: There is a number of aspects of prenatal yoga which all combine to provide both mother and child with physical and mental benefits.

Exercises, breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation techniques all help and it is important to practice all these aspects, not merely concentrate on yoga poses.

Meditation techniques are extremely helpful during pregnancy and should not be disregarded.

Any relaxation techniques that you can do during pregnancy will help you cope with the anxieties and worries that many women feel at this time.

Depression is often a major issue during pregnancy and learning some meditation methods will certainly help you get through this.

When you meditate, you will become quiet and focus on your breathing. As your body and mind become calm your child will sense this too.

Together you both will get relaxed and this time spent together will create a bond between you.

Practicing prenatal yoga allows you to let go of problems and worries and be present with your baby.

There are many Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women designed specifically.

These poses will be easier for your body to carry out in its changed state, and you may find as early as the first trimester starts, that your body can no longer perform poses you’ve been doing for years.

Make sure you don’t push your body into those poses, but instead focus on poses that aid both you and your child.

Many poses stimulate the flow and circulation of blood and oxygen around your body, and this directly affects your baby, improving their blood flow too.

Other poses will help you deal with low blood pressure, strengthening those muscles and joints that are now under extra pressure due to your pregnancy, and other poses can assist with improving your quality of sleep and digestion.

Nearly all poses will help deal with back pain and fatigue, and many will help with leg swelling and discomfort.

Any pose that deals with your hips will help strengthen and prepare that area of the body for delivery.

Prenatal yoga is very helpful for releasing the tension that builds up along the spine and in between the vertebrae due to the extra load carried during pregnancy.

As there are many poses that should be avoided during pregnancy, it is important to get some instruction.

Check this amazing book on prenatal yoga which covers all pregnancy-related issues which can be cured by yoga.

If you want you can attend below mentioned prenatal yoga video series specifically.

Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant WomenBest Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

Listen to your body and don’t attempt any pose that doesn’t feel right.

Ensure that you drink more water than you usually would before you were pregnant, as both mother and child are at risk of dehydration after exercise.

Best time to start Yoga During Pregnancy?

If you are beginner i.e you have not done any type of yoga exercises before it is advisable not to do it in the first trimester.

As incorrect poses may cause complications. But if you are a regular practitioner of yoga, you can start it from the first trimester also.

>>Yoga for pregnancy first trimester it is suggested not to do the poses that put pressure on the abdomen region.

>>Be gentle in your poses , do not try to overdo. Be slow. Enjoy.

>>Do standing asanas that will help you improve legs strength.

>>From the second to third-trimester substitute the asanas with ‘pranayam’s’. Start doing meditation practices, breathing exercises. Reduce the timing of the asanas.

>>From the 10th – 14th week avoid doing yoga as it is the most crucial time. Relax.

Best yoga poses for pregnant women are listed below.

Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

Here is the list of the Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women to be performed during pregnancy, which will help in better delivery and keeping mental, physical conditions strong.

1.Baddha-konasana/ Butterfly Pose

>Sit in the normal position on the ground.
>>Now bring both the feet in such a way that soles meet each other.
>>Take deep breaths. The body is erect, gaze in front.
>>Legs are grasped at the ankles by both of the arms. Now start moving your knees downwards towards the ground and then up.
>>Do this for a minimum of 2-3 times.

butterfly pose

2. Warrior Pose

Warrior Pose includes stretching of thighs and pelvic area. In turn, helps in decreasing labor pain.
The detailed article about “WARRIOR POSE” .

3. Virasana

It is very simple and helps in relieving leg swelling.
>>Kneel on your knees with the thighs parallel to each other and knees together.
you can try the other variation also i.e.
>>knees on the ground close to each other, spread your feet so that buttocks can rest on the ground.
>>This asana can be performed right after lunch/dinner.


4. Sukhasana

It is the pose practiced during meditation.
>>Simply sit on your yoga mat, with cross legs, in such a way that each foot is under the knee.
>>Place your palms on the knees.
>>spine should be erect.
>>Breath gently as you normally do. Do not breathe forcefully.
>>relax, maintain this position as far as it is comfortable for you.Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

5. Tadasana

A basic standing asana
>>Stand straight, Keep your spine erect.
>>Join the hands in namaskar mudra and then raise them upwards above the head.
>>Tilt your back and head slightly as if you are looking at the fingers.
>>breathing is normal during the whole process.
>>hold for 10 seconds, exhale, come back to normal position.

6. Trikonasana

It is performed in 2 parts. Facing left and right.
>>Stand on the feet apart from each other.
>>Knees should be unbent.
>>Turn your right foot to 90degree and left to 45degree. Keeping the heels in line with hips.
>>As you inhale stand tall and as you exhale try to reach the right side foot with the left hand. And the right hand should face towards the ceiling.
>>Breath in hold this for 20 seconds and repeat the same with another hand.


8. Shavasana

It is mainly a relaxing pose. done after the end of the yoga session.
>>Lie down on the back with feet and hands apart.
>>Slowly inhale and exhale be in tune with the breath.
>>Do this for 10-12 minutes you will feel relaxed and refreshed.
>>Come back to sitting position with the eyes closed. Take both the palms and place them on your face, then slowly open your eyes.

9. Bhramari Pranayam

Pranayamas are the breathing techniques that help regulates blood pressure and headache.
>>Sit with your spine erect. Relaxed, Eyes closed, looking at the sensations in the body.
>>Put your index fingers on your ears.
>>Take a deep breath in, while exhaling makes a humming sound like a bee by pressing the cartilage.
>>Making high-pitched sound is preferable.
>>Repeat this 4-6 times.

Yoga for Pregnancy Back Pain

These are some of the most effective pregnancy stretches for back pain.

  1. Sitting Side Stretch
Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women
Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

This pose can be done just after the butterfly pose, as the first step is same. Move your left outwards with the right leg still tucked in. Try to touch the toes of your left leg with the left hand and the right hand will follow the stretch moving above your head.

Hold for couple of seconds then repeat the same with other side.

2. Child Pose

Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women
Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women
  • Kneel on your knees.
  • Your big toes should be touching each other, Widen your knees slightly apart from each other.
  • As you exhale bend forward, your stomach and chest be resting on the thigh, and make your forehead touch the ground.
  • With the palms facing down arms can be extended overhead.
  • Be in this pose for 10 breaths and then with inhalation come back to normal pose.

3. Sumo Squat Pose

Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women
Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women
  • Be in standing position now make some distance between your legs.
  • Toes facing outwards.
  • Slowly bend your knees and be in pose same as if you are doing squats.
  • Now bend to the left side from your waist placing the left hand on the left knee.
  • Move your right arm above your head towards left side. It should be completely stretched .
  • Be in this pose for 1 minute and then come back to normal.
  • Repeat this for the other side also.
  • Do this whole sequence for 4-5 times.

Butterfly Pose mentioned above also helps in getting relief from pregnancy back pain.

And if you are suffering from neck and shoulder pain you must use these best pillows to get rid of neck and shoulder pain.

Yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy

1. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

2. Crunches


4. Twisting postures.- Chakrasana ,Sitting Half Spinal Twist

5. Halasana (Plow Pose)

The asanas that involves lying or placing pressure directly upon your belly should be avoided during the pregnancy period.

So these were some of the Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women.

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