Yoga For Immune System

Yoga For Immune System:- A yogi rarely gets sick no matter what is the weather condition? Because he does yoga regularly, And yoga is a natural immunity booster.
Nowadays due to this Coronavirus Outbreak it becomes very important for everyone of us to maintain a good immune system.
As a stronger immune system helps the body to resist the pathogens, viruses which are harmful for our health to enter our body.
So first of all What is Immunity?
Immunity is the strength or capability of the organism which resist the harmful organism to enter it.
There are any number of reasons for a weak immune system. It may be due to stress, improper apetite, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol etc.
(Also read: Morning Yoga Poses)
Table of Contents
Does Yoga Improve Immunity?
Yes, definitely. Yoga and Immune system have a deep connection between them. Yoga is a natural immunity booster. Daily yoga practice including some of the specific yoga poses can improve the immunity of the body.
There are number of Benefits of doing Yoga such as
- It relieves stress
- Yoga improves immune system
- Yoga helps in weight loss
- Strengthens the nervous system
- Calms the mind
- Decrease inflammation in the body
- Improves muscle strength
Improving the immune system is one of the many benefits of doing regular yoga.
Also read: Yoga poses to get rid of knee pain
You must be thinking of why I am emphasizing on doing regular yoga.
The reason is you cannot build a strong immune system in 1 day. It is the consistent practice of yoga which leads to a stronger and improved immune system.
The research from International Journal of Yoga stated that:
Yoga resists the autonomic changes and impairment of cellular immunity seen in examination stress.
International Journal of Yoga
As no difference was seen in the stress level of the group who were doing yoga practice.
Yoga also improves the quality of your sleep, which also results in improved immunity, as sleep is nessecary for healing of immune system.
10 Yoga Poses to Boost Immune System
Lets see the 10 Yoga Poses to Boost Immune System to help your body fight the coronavirus.
- Child Pose
- Halasana
- Bhujangasana
- Matsyasna
- Uttasana
- Viparta Karni
- Sukhasana
- Traingle Pose
- Bridge Pose
- Dhanurasana
Yoga for Immune System
1. Child Pose
It reduces the stress in thighs,neck , back and helps in improving immune system.
- Kneel on your knees
- Your big toes should be touching each other, Widen your knees slightly apart from each other
- As you exhale bend forward, your stomach and chest be resting on the thigh, and make your forehead touch the ground
- With the palms facing down arms can be extended overhead.
- Be in this pose for 10 breaths and then with inhalation come back to normal pose.
2. Halasana
Hala means a Plough in sanskrit. It keeps the spine elastic and spinal nerves healthy.
- Be supine in your seat.
- Slowly raise your legs through the hip joint till they make 30 degree angle with ground.
- Be in this position for few seconds and then raised from there to make a right angle.
- Keep your trunk as close as possible to the ground and bend only your legs further beyond your head.
- Back should be perpendicular to ground.
- Toes are made to touch the ground beyond head.
- The whole pressure of hips and thighs should be on lumbosacral region of spine.
3. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
Relieves in aching back, helps in development of abdominal muscles.
- Lie down on your stomach with muscles relaxed with forehead touching the ground.
- Hands should be placed one on each side of chest.
- You can bend your hands from elbows.
- Apply force on the ground as if you are trying to push the ground with both the hands, make a gentle effort to push the chest forward and try to look towards the sky.
- The navel should touch the ground and legs should be straight.
- Maintain for 5 seconds and then come back to normal.
4. Matsyasana or Fish Pose
Helps in improving the immunity of the body.
- lie down on your back
- Keep your legs together.
- With palms facing towards the ground, place them under the hips.
- As you inhale lift your head and chest up.
- Maintaining the chest up lower your head in such a way that the top of your head touches the ground.
- Place your elbows firmly on the ground, now all weight should be on the elbows not on your head.
- Lift the chest fully.
- Your legs should always be in close contact with the ground, they should not get lifted.
- Maintain this pose for up to 10-12 breaths.
- Lift your head, lower your chest and come back to rest position.
Also read: Prenatal yoga Poses
5. Uttanasana
- Stand on Yoga mat with legs close to each other.
- Now as you exhale through the nose, bend forward from the waist, keeping your spine erect.
- On exhaling completely bring your hands on the floor besides feet.
- For beginners – they can bend the knees slightly to make the palms touch the ground.
6. Traingle Pose
It is performed in 2 parts. Facing left and right.
- Stand on your feet apart from each other.
- Knees should be unbent.
- Turn your right foot to 90degree and left to 45degree. Keeping the heels in line with hips.
- As you inhale stand tall and as you exhale try to reach the right side foot with the left hand
- the right hand should face towards the ceiling.
- Breath in hold this for 20 seconds and repeat the same with other hands
7. Dhanurasana
Helps in reducing the fat around the abdominal region, helps improve immune system.
How to do Dhanurasana or Bow Pose.
8. Sukhasana
- Sit on your yoga mat with legs unfolded.
- Fold your left leg first and then your right leg.
- Both the feet should be under the knee.
- Place your hands on the knees, you can do chin mudra or simply keep your palms open.
- Spine should be erect.
- Breath normally.
- Try to sit for as long as possible in this yoga pose.
9. Viparita Karni
- Lie supine on your seat.
- Lift the legs from the hip-joint to make an angle of 30degree with ground.
- Again raise your legs up to make a right angle, make sure the back of your thighs rest on the wall.
- Arms be kept on your stomach or by the sides of it.
- You can also use a cushion under your hips .
- Be in this position for couple of minutes, breathe gently.
10. Bridge Pose
- Lie down on your back with palms facing down.
- Place your feet firmly on the ground and as you inhale lift your thighs , hips up towards sky.
- Your body weight should be on feet,shoulder.
- Thighs are parallel to the ground and chest touches the chin.
- Keep breathing normally.
- If you want, you can also lift a little more with the support of your hands.
Help your Immune System by practicing these Yoga Poses for Immunity
Yoga strengthens the mental and physical body which is why it helps to improve the immune system.
These 10 simple yoga poses are the best way to make your immune system stronger and ready to fight the external infections.
If we do regular yoga practice our whole body becomes healthy and flexible. Though yoga is not a substitute for medicine but can be seen as a precautionary measure.
With this yoga for immune system, a good diet is also necessary for improving our immune system. Check this best diet for good health.
What are your favourite yoga poses?, do let me know.
This article is not intended as a medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider for any health issues.
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