What Is Hatha Yoga?

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What Is Hatha Yoga?

What Is Hatha Yoga?

Hi welcome to all today, will see in brief time one of the very famous part of yoga the Hatha Yoga.

Hatha Yoga is a very important science and

In ancient time the Yogi’s used to practice this Hatha Yoga for longer period of time to raise the level of their consciousness.

What Is Hatha Yoga?
What Is Hatha Yoga?

To raise the lower mind to the higher mind.

In  yoga Upanishads, the meaning of Hatha Yoga is to bring the balance in the physical and the mental body,

as well as a technique of purification but now,

this whole idea the meaning of Hatha Yoga has been forgotten and as a misconception about the meaning of Hatha Yoga,

we often hear oh we don’t practice meditation we practice physically  yoga the Hatha Yoga but,

Actually the Hatha Yoga is not all about the physical, physicality of yoga in yogic literature.

The Hatha Yoga the word H A T H A has come from – Sanskrit mantra ha and tha.

Mantra “Ha” represents a pranic  force,the solar force in our body and “tha” represents the moon force, the passive force in our body.

As per Tantra and the yoga these two flows are known as Pingala and IDA.

The whole subject of Hatha Yoga is a process of bringing the balance in these 2 flow in these forces.

Which are always constantly working in our body and because

of these two forces interact with each other we breathe, we eat,we live and we think.

So Yogi’s felt these two forces has to be balanced to raise the level of our consciousness.

Academically speaking the whole science of Hatha Yoga the subject of yoga comprises six purification techniques.

What Is Hatha Yoga?

6 Techniques of Hatha Yoga

  1. Neti– A technique of cleansing the body mainly nose. It is used to clean air passages.
  2. Dhauti – It is planned for the most part to the cleaning of the stomach related tract in its full length yet it influences likewise the respiratory tract, outside ears and eyes.
  3. Nauli – The activity is professed to serve the cleaning of the stomach area – stomach related organs, small digestive system and depends on a back rub of the inward gut organs by a roundabout development of the abdominal muscles.
  4. Kapalabhati Pranayama– It is done for the purification of cranial sinuses.
  5. Basti -A hatha yoga cleansing technique done to clean abdomen, mainly colon.
  6. Trataka– it is a cleansing technique as well a way of meditation, which requires to keep staring at a black dot or candle flame. It energizes “Third Eye“& gives psychic powers.

but later on the thinkers and writers when they wanted to make this entire hatha yoga a complete science of yoga they added few more things in that and

at that time the practices of asana or the posture and the practices of pranayama, techniques of reading they added in that.

Not only that the Bandas, the mudras, they also added in this form of yoga.

Which made the whole Hatha Yoga a complete science of yoga to raise to awoken the different chakras to bring the balance between the Pingala and Ida and

Once the Pingala and Ida is a balance there an another channel flows that’s called Sushumna, which is a passage for spiritual experience.

What Is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is not just Exercises.

To lead you towards the expertise of yoga – of union and infinitenesswe have a tendency to manipulate the energy and move the system in a particular way.

Physical postures are one aspect of this.

Understanding the mechanics of the body, making an exact atmosphere, and hold the body or body postures to drive your energy in specific directions is what yoga or yoga asanas are about.

Hatha yoga is not an exercise. Asana means a posture. If I sit in one way, it is one asana.

If I sit in a different way its another posture.

So any number of asanas are possible.

ex. Upa Yoga – simple set of practices, Morning yoga poses ,

Out of these innumerable postures that the body can take, eighty-four fundamental postures have been identified as yoga asanas.

So this is all about in brief as per the yoga mission the Hatha Yoga.

Well, see you then in the next part of the Types of Yoga Series. Till then share and sign up to email list for wonderful articles.

Types of Yoga Part 2|Vinyasa Yoga

Types of Yoga Part 3|Bikram Yoga

and as always Namaste.


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