Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain

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yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain

Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain– Sitting all day long before computer screens can not only strain the eyes but also leads neck and shoulder pain and one more thing that adds-up to this problem is not sitting in a proper posture.

Sag shoulder and incorrect posture of spine while sitting leads to misaligned muscles which over a time shows strain around neck and shoulder region.

Are you dealing with neck and shoulder pain? Just check while getting up from your chair after working for a long time, how do you feel? Are you energetic, agile or there’s pain in upper body parts? Just look at this issue & you will get your answer.

In yogic sciences neck and shoulder are not treated as different problems but as one. Neck and shoulder pain are correlated. The neck pain affecting cervical spine is also called as “cervical spondylosis

Sometimes the neck and shoulder pain gets so severe that it makes difficult to do simple day to day work. In medical science the patient is given a neck collar, heat compression treatment.

But from my experience yoga for neck and shoulder pain beginners offer the most effective and simple way to get rid of neck and shoulder pain.

Beginners yoga poses which are very simple to do and some of them can be done at your work place also helps you eliminates this pain from your upper body part.

[Must read: Yoga for upper and lower back pain]

Yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain, helps in stretching and making the area around the neck flexible and facilitates proper blood flow to it.

Regular practice of these yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain helps correct the posture of spine and exercises neck region rightfully thus reducing the pain.

Causes of Neck and Shoulder pain

There could be any number of reasons causing to neck and shoulder pain. One of them could be using a high pillow while sleeping, bending your head for longer period time, instead of keeping it straight.

And sometimes it may occur improper blood circulation from the neck and shoulder region which results to stiffness and pain.

How yoga can help in neck and shoulder pain?

Yogic sciences have various methods to treat neck and shoulder pain:

  1. Good eating habits
  2. Maintaining proper sitting postures
  3. Practicing Yoga Asanas for neck and shoulder pain – Stiffness and improper circulation of blood are automatically taken care off while practicing selected yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain.

Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain

Here is the list of the most effective beginners yoga poses for neck and shoulder.

  • Trikona-asana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Jalandar bandah (Chin lock)
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Neck rotation

1. Trikona Asana

Yoga for Lower and Upper Back Pain
Trikonasana- Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Stand straight with feet distant apart (more than shoulder) and arms by your side.
  • Wider the legs intense is the stretch.
  • Raise your arms to shoulder level, with palms facing downward.
  • Slowly turn your body to right side making sure that it is aligned and straight.
  • Knees should be unbent.
  • Turn your right foot to 90degree and left to 45degree. Keeping the heels in line with hips.
  • As you inhale stand tall and as you exhale try to reach the right side foot with the right hand. And the left hand should face towards the ceiling.
  • Breath in hold this for 20 seconds.
  • Return to normal position, and repeat the same with other hands.

2. Bhujangasana

Yoga for Lower and Upper Back Pain
Bhujangasana- Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Simply lie down on your stomach with fore-head and chest touching the ground and soles of feet facing towards the sky.
  • Your palms facing down are placed close to the chest.
  • Inhale, raise your chest as high as possible with the support of your hands.
  • Make the gentle effort to push the chest forward and try to look at the sky.
  • Hold for few seconds.
  • And as you exhale lower down your chest and head.
  • Relax. Do this for 5-6 times.

Also read: Yoga poses for stronger immune system

3. Jalandhar bandah (Chin Lock):

Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain
Jalandhar bandah (Chin Lock): Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Sit with crossed legged posture looking straight.
  • As you inhale bring your neck down to the point it touches your throat.
  • Now press the throat with your chin creating a throat lock.
  • Do not apply high pressure while creating a chin lock.
  • Exhale and return to normal.

4. Neck Rotation:

  • Can be done while sitting or standing. Just simply rotate your neck in clockwise and anti clockwise direction.
  • Repeat the same for both the direction 4-5 times a day.

(Must read: Paschimottanasana – Yoga to strengthen spine.)

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain beginners

These yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain can be done by beginners as well as experienced yogis despite of place and time.

Do this regularly for 5-8 times throughout day for faster results. Only condition is to breathe deeply through your nose while doing these simple yoga poses. Repeat them for the opposite directions also.

Shoulder Circling

You can do it in standing or while sitting, whichever suits you better. If standing make sure you have shoulder distance between your legs.

Now circle your shoulders forward one at a time for 10-12 times and then together 10-12 times. Repeat same for opposite direction.

Shoulder Shrugs

Breathe in and slowly raise your shoulders up in the direction of your ears.

As you breathe out squeeze both of your shoulder as far down as they can go.

Consciously observe the opening in your upper chest as you exhale try to maintain a gap between your shoulders and ears.

Repeat it for 8-10 times.

Arm circles

Place your fingertips on the shoulder. As you breathe in move both the shoulder in front of your chest.

Keep your elbows close to each other. Now lift them up as far as you can then stretch them behind your back (make sure the fingertips are still on your shoulders) and with exhalation lower your elbows as down as possible.

Now bring them forward in front of chest. This makes 1 round.

Do this for 4-5 times and repeat the same for opposite direction.

Neck Stretches

Sit in a comfortable posture, look straight and inhale, as you exhale turn your head just your head to the right side.

Your chin is close to your right shoulder.

If you want you can be in that position for a while. Deep breathing continues.

Now as you exhale bring back your head to normal position.

Repeat this for the left side. Do this sequence for 4-5 times for each side.

Chin to Chest

Look straight and inhale. With exhalation bring your chin down such as it touches throat region over the chest.

With inhalation bring your head back to normal.

Now as you exhale move your chin upwards towards the sky. Do not stretch beyond your limits.

And with inhalation return back to normal. Repeat this for 4-5 times.

Stretching Your Neck Sideways

Sit comfortably in relaxed posture with spine and shoulder totally relaxed.

Raise your right hand and from over your head place it on your left ear.

Now stretch your body to left side with right hand still on left ear. Go down as far as possible.

Breathe deeply during the full course of this stretch. Focus on the sensations in the body.

Maintain this stretch for 4-5 deep breathes. Then return to normal.

Repeat this for the other side.

If you are suffering from neck and shoulder pain these simple yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain will help you get rid of it.

This beginner yoga sequence will help you relieve stress and tension from neck and shoulder part.

Practice these yoga poses for neck and shoulder pain daily, as some of them can done anywhere -anytime.

For better and faster results I would suggest doing the neck practices as frequently as possible throughout your day and before going to bed.

Also read:

Categories: Yoga


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